Diverticulosis, shingles, or both? - diverticulosis symptoms more condition_treatment
I was in the emergency room twice within a week. The symptoms are pain in the right side. Blood tests, CT scan and sent me home with antibiotics and antifungal pills diverticulosis. Well, later in bribes day I NOTOC few large, two days after they go to something else in the emergency room and yes it is herpes zoster done. I suffer more than anyone in my 54 years, but that's the cause? The lesions are itchy and burns, but I have a deep pain in my side, what he did, to the point of tears. I can hardly walk yet, and I am a pill antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes zoster. I do not eat, and what I try to go, I vomit. Help!
Shingles is a virus associated with the nerve endings where the pain can be severe. As a rule, conducted unilaterally, or only one side of the body. You should ask your doctor for a drug to treat the pain until it disappears. With respect to the diverticular pain, which can also be painful, stomach normally. to try to change the diet to increase water consumption, increase fiber intake, constipation so you do not eat less red meat.
Has given good advice. The best coaching salaries, something for the pain and all the other boards also call the doctor, something for Ting nausea and vomiting may occur. You need to seek help for it in suppository form. Because sometimes, so sick, can not even get the drug to remain below.
If you can not ask specifically for the suppositories, I do not think so. This is the same drug, just different delivery system and may work better for you.
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